
Showing posts from 2012

Why a well designed and effective welfare system matters

US health care - can it get any worse?

Akerlof's lemons were rejected 3 times...before getting the Nobel

Privatisation, Partisanship and the IMF

Labour market policy reaction to the crisis in Europe and the US

New Politics&Society issue

Reactions to the economic crisis

Ha-Joon Chang on the Eurozone Crisis and Growth

New article on "Associational Networks and Welfare States in Argentina, Brazil, South Korea, and Taiwan"

British legislative process

The rise of inequality and growth

Adam Smith on employers' bargaining power

Projection 2nd round results of french legislative elections

First round of the French legislative elections

Bernanke on Economic Outlook and Policy

Upcoming Summer conferences

European Trade Union proposal

Stiglitz on inequality in the US

Krugman and UK austerity

Neil Fligstein on Economic Sociology

EU in crisis? Popular perceptions of the EU project in different Member States

Paul De Grauwe on the Eurozone Crisis

American Sociological Association

Main trends in inequality

How to Study Contemporary Capitalism?

Interview with Jeffrey Sachs

Flexwork newsletter - May

Education reduces gender inequality through its employment effect

The Euro area now and forecasts

The crisis and national labour law reforms

Flex Work Research Centre - New publications April

The growing geographical divide in the French electorate

Endorsing "a modest proposal for ringfencing Europe"

Varying Fates of Legacy Unions in New Democracies

French 2012 presidential elections - 1st round results

Net debt interest payments 1999-2009 in EU Countries


World ranking in Unemployment Benefit replacement rates

Rising in inequality across the OECD

Unions and democracy

Yanis Varoufakis on the greek crisis

Krugman's economics of the welfare state classes

Links - alternatives to austerity


EU responses to the crisis: From inadequate explanations to inefficient policy solutions?

Punk Economics of the crisis

Do we need the manufacturing sector?

Conservative welfare reform in the UK

Latest ETUC newsletter

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